Swim with Dolphins

Swim with Dolphins

This post was written almost 20 years ago. Nowadays there are very few holiday destinations where you can swim with dolphins either in the wild or at water parks such as Aqualand in Tenerife. Dolphin Encounters are about as close as you are going to get!

In June  I’m off for a Dominican Republic Holiday.  At the age of 54 I really can’t believe I’m going to swim with dolphins.

All my life I’ve been terrified of water until I had adult swimming lessons in my late forties going on to take my ASA teaching qualification and then my national rescue award.  Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d get to swim with dolphins but here I am 8 weeks away (More when I get back!)

I’m staying next year in Tenerife with a really great whale and dolphin trip from Los Abrigos Holidays

The Dolphin Swim at Ocean World looks fantastic and I’ve heard some very good report about how happy the dolphins are to swim with you.  Other people that have had the dolphin swim say what a life changing experience it is and how the dolphins seem to enjoy swimming with everyone.

So wish me luck and more on my Dolphin Swim experience when I get back.

Dolphin Pictures

Dolphin Pictures and Species

Amazing book by Mark

This page contains links to all species of dolphins river dolphins and porpoises.  Please click the link to take you to the dolphin page where you will find more dolphin pictures and information on that dolphin species.

More information can be found at Swimming with Dolphins

            Dolphins without Beaks     Porpoises    Scientific names and families    River Dolphins

atlantic humpback dolphin Atlantic Hump-backed Dolphin
atlantic spotted dolphin Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
Atlantic Whitesided Dolphin Atlantic White-sided Dolphin
black dolphin Black Dolphin
bottle nose dolphin Bottlenose Dolphin
commersons dolphin Commerson’s Dolphin
common dolphin Common Dolphin
dusky dolphin Dusky Dolphin
frasiers-dolphin Frasier’s Dolphin
heavisides dolphin Heaviside’s Dolphin
hectors dolphin Hector’s Dolphin
hourglass dolphin Hourglass Dolphin
indo pacific humpback dolphin Indo-Pacific Hump-backed Dolphin
irrawaddy dolphin Irrawaddy Dolphin
long snouted spinner dolphin Long-snouted Spinner Dolphin
northern rightwhale dolphin Northern Rightwhale Dolphin
pacific whitesided Pacific White-sided Dolphin
pantropical spotted dolphin Pantropical Spotted Dolphin
peales dolphin Peale’s Dolphin
risso's dolphin Risso’s Dolphin
rough-toothed dolphin Rough-toothed Dolphin
short snouted spinner Short-snouted Spinner Dolphin
southern rightwhale dolphin Southern Rightwhale Dolphin
striped dolphin Striped Dolphin
tucuxi dolphin Tucuzi Dolphin
white-beaked dolphin White Beaked Dolphin
Baiji (Yangtze River Dolphin)
Baiji (Yangtze River Dolphin)
Boto River Dolphin Boto (Amazon River) Dolphin
Franciscana Dolphin Franciscana (La Plata) Dolphin
Indus and Ganges River Dolphin Indus and Ganges River Dolphin


Dolphins without Prominent Beaks

  • Tucuxi Commersons Dolphin
  • Short-snouted Spinner Dolphin
  • Hector’s Dolphin
  • Long-snouted Spinner Dolphin
  • Heaviside’s Dolphin
  • Atlantic Hump-backed
  • Black Dolphin
  • Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
  • Spotted Dolphin
  • Hourglass Dolphin
  • Pantropica Dolphin
  • Dusky Dolphin
  • Southern Rightwhale Dolphin
  • Peale’s Dolphin
  • Common Dolphin
  • White-Beaked Dolphin
  • Striped Dolphin
  • Pacific White-sided Dolphin
  • Rough-toothed Dolphin
  • Atlantic White-sided Dolphin
  • Indo-pacific Hump-backed Dolphin
  • Fraser’s Dolphin
  • Northern Rightwhale Dolphin
  • Irrawaddy Dolphin
  • Bottlenose Dolphin
  • Risso’s Dolphin

River Dolphins

  • Amazon River Dolphin
  • Bolivian River Dolphin
  • Tucuxi Dolphin
  • Ganges River Dolphin
  • Indus River Dolphin
  • Irrawaddy Dolphin
  • Yangtze Finless Porpoise


  • Burmeister’s porpoise (Phocoena spinipinnis)
  • Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli)
  • Finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides)
  • Harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)
  • Spectacled porpoise (Phocoena dioptrica)
  • Vaquita (Phocoena sinus)

Types (Species) of Dolphins

Family Phocoenidae Phocoena phocoena harbour porpoise
Phocoena spinipinnis Burmeister’s porpoise
Phocoena sinus vaquita
Phocoena dioptrica spectacled porpoise
Neophocaena phocaenoides finless porpoise
Phocoenoides dalli Dall’s porpoise
Family Delphinidae Steno bredanensis rough-toothed dolphin
Sousa chinensis Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin
Sousa teuszii Atlantic humpback dolphin
Sotalia fluviatilis tucuxi
Lagenorhynchus albirostris white-beaked dolphin
Lagenorhynchus acutus Atlantic white-sided dolphin
Lagenorhynchus obscurus dusky dolphin
Lagenorhynchus obliquidens Pacific white-sided dolphin
Lagenorhynchus cruciger hourglass dolphin
Lagenorhynchus australis Peale’s dolphin
Grampus griseus Risso’s dolphin
Tursiops truncatus Common bottlenose dolphin
Tursiops aduncus Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin
Stenella frontalis Atlantic spotted dolphin
Stenella attenuata pantropical spotted dolphin
Stenella longirostris spinner dolphin
Stenella clymene clymene dolphin
Stenella coeruleoalba striped dolphin
Delphinus delphis common dolphin
Delphinus capensis long-beaked common dolphin
Lagenodelphis hosei Fraser’s dolphin
Lissodelphis borealis northern right whale dolphin
Lissodelphis peronii southern right whale dolphin
Cephalorhynchus commersonii Commerson’s dolphin
Cephalorhynchus eutropia Chilean dolphin
Cephalorhynchus heavisidii Heaviside’s dolphin
Cephalorhynchus hectori Hector’s dolphin
Peponocephala electra melon-headed whale
Feresa attenuata pygmy killer whale
Pseudorca crassidens false killer whale
Orcinus orca killer whale
Globicephala melas long-finned pilot whale
Globicephala macrorhynchus short-finned pilot whale
Orcaella brevirostris Irrawaddy dolphin
Family Platanistidae Platanista gangetica gangetica South Asian river dolphin
Family Pontoporiidae Pontoporia blainvillei franciscana
Family Lipotidae Lipotes vexillifer baiji
Family Iniidae Inia geoffrensis boto

Swimming With Dolphins

Depressed? Swim with dolphins

swimming holiday with dolphins
Taking a dip with dolphins can be a tremendous therapy for people with depression according to a study published on Saturday in the weekly British Medical Journal (BMJ).

Nature lovers – biophiles to give them their scientific name – have long argued that interaction with animals can soothe a troubled mind but this claim has always been anecdotal lacking the scientific data to back it up.

Seeking to find out more psychiatrists Christian Antonioli and Michael Reveley at Britain’s University of Leicester recruited 30 people in the United States and Honduras who had been diagnosed with mild or moderate depression.

The severity of their symptoms was calculated according to established yardsticks for mental health the Hamilton and Beck scales which are based on interviews and questionnaires with the patient.

No antidepressants

The volunteers were required to stop taking any antidepressant drugs and psychotherapy for four weeks.

Half of the group was then randomly selected to play snorkel and take care of dolphins each day at an institute for marine sciences in Honduras.

The other half was assigned to a programme of outdoor activities also at the institute that included swimming and snorkelling at a coral reef but without the dolphins.

Two weeks later both groups had improved but especially so among patients who had been swimming with the dolphins.

Measurable symptoms of depression in the dolphin group had fallen by half and by two-thirds according to the two scales – twice as much as in the non-dolphin group.

In addition a self-rating measurement of anxiety symptoms the Zung scale found a fall of more than 20% among the dolphin group compared with a decline of 11% among the non-dolphin groups.

“To the best of our knowledge this is the first randomised single blind controlled trial of animal-facilitated therapy with dolphins ” say Antonioli and Reveley.

“The effects exerted by the animals were significantly greater than those of just the natural setting. The echolocation system the aesthetic value and the emotions raised by the interaction with dolphins may explain the mammals’ healing properties.”

“Swimming with wild dolphins is illegal under the Federal Marine Mammal Protection Act, which states that it is unlawful for any person, vessel, or other conveyance to harass, hunt, capture, or kill any marine mammal. Even though it’s illegal to swim with dolphins, many people do it anyway.”

It is hard to argue that swimming with dolphins doesn’t have an affect on things but reading the above statement it seems to me that swimming with dolphins is only illegal if the dolphins are being harassed.  There are daily examples of people swimming with the beautiful creatures where they follow the boat and are only too happy to interact with people wanting to swim alongside them.  With the interest that the subject has, it seems to me that the dolphins have a better chance with our interaction than without it.

Swim with the Dolphins

Wild and Free Dolphins

Swimming with dolphins – what you need to know

Polperro Dolphin Swims: Swimming

Swimming with dolphins is an amazing experience that everyone should try to do at some point in there lives. There are some special areas where you can find these amazing marine mammals. A lot of those places are located in the Caribbean or at least close to the Equator, take a look at the most popular spots for swimming with dolphins around the world. Some of them might surprise you!  Read more

Swim with Us and Swim-Easy

This page is devoted to explaining the connection between

Swim With Us and

Gay Clarke


Irene Bouette


Written by Gay Clarke

I started swimming very late in life fighting a phobia and with a teaching background   eventually became a member of the Institute of Swimming Teachers and Coaches in 2001.  Shortly after I met Irene who was also working to overcome her phobia and we became friends.

In 2002 for the first time at the age of 50 I was able to enjoy a holiday without feeling left out because I couldn’t swim.

Since then we’ve come a long way working with many people to help them overcome their phobias and problems.  In August 2003 this website was launched the aim being to offer a low-cost solution for one-to-one lessons with the tutor in the water.  Although both Irene and I are really passionate about swimming and helping others it began as a hobby.

Within a year the website had grown in popularity and so had the number of enquiries.  It became clear to us that there were many people that were struggling in the water and  it had the potential of being far more than a hobby.  After taking legal advise we were faced with the choice of forming a legal partnership and all the costs that that entails or remaining as individuals.

There were many things affecting that decision but for me there were two main considerations.  Firstly I have ME (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome).  Much as I would like to see this evolve as a business if I push too hard I am likely to find myself having to stop all together.

More importantly our aim is and always has been to keep the cost as low as possible.  Once we begin to look at administrative overheads the costs begin to rise.

We have therefore decided to continue as individuals with Irene’s website being Swimming Lessons 4all whilst I retain Swim With Us.

Irene (who was also water phobic) and I remain good friends and no doubt those of you that book with me will often meet Irene and vice versa and of course if I am unable to help you in a given timescale Irene at Swim-Easy will no doubt do her best to oblige and vice versa.

This page is here in the hope that it will avoid confusion when people see the new look site at Swim With Us and also the brand new Swim-Easy  but please feel free to email if you are unsure.

underwater photography

Babies and Swimming Pools

Children’s swimming pools    Swimming lessons for babies

Babies and Swimming PoolsThe following information will help parents make an informed choice about taking their baby to a swimming pool

Do babies need their immunisations before swimming?

No. The advice to wait until  baby has had some or all of their immunisations before taking them to the pool goes back to the days when polio was much more common and we were worried about its spread in swimming pools. This is no longer a concern.

Picture Courtesy of www.waterbaby.co.uk

The vaccines given to young babies protect against:

  • Diphtheria Pertussis Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b) and Men C (Meningococcal group C). These organisms are in the air. Swimming pools do not carry a greater risk of infection
  • Tetanus. Tiny spores from this organism exist in the soil and manure NOT swimming pool water
  • Polio. It is extremely unlikely that water will be the means by which this infection gets passed on. It is more likely to be from hands soiled by stools containing the organism. It does get excreted in the stools of babies who have recently had the vaccine but this will not be a threat to others (including babies who have not had the vaccine). The important thing is to take care when using shared facilities to change a nappy and make sure to dispose of soiled nappies carefully.

The above infections are not contracted in the chlorinated water environment of a well-run swimming pool.

What about feeding?You should wait one hour after your babies feed before swimming.


Should baby swim if they are ill?

NO! The temperature of the pool changing rooms and outside are really important as a baby cannot control their body temperature. Pool water should be at least 30oC. A child who is ill should not be exposed to big swings in temperatures. Take note of the following:

  • If your baby has suffered a tummy bug it is important to wait two days after the first solid movement before going swimming
  • Babies with ear infections should not swim
  • Don t go swimming with your baby if they have an infectious disease. This includes diarrhoea and a heavy cold


What should my baby wear in the pool?

It is more hygienic to put your baby in a swim nappy such as kooshies or aquanappy. It is somewhat essential.

It is important remember that stomach and bowel upsets can result if a pool is heavily contaminated with faeces. The following advice should be followed;

  • Avoid changing the nappy by the side of the pool
  • Dress toddlers in close-fitting swimsuits to better contain faeces
  • Occasionally check in their bathers for soiling
  • Reduce the risk of accidents by taking children for frequent trips to the toilet
  • Don’t rinse hands in the pool water after a trip to the toilet or after changing a child’s nappy. Use warm water and soap.


Are the chemicals in the water harmful to my baby?

A baby’s skin is more delicate than an adult’s and the chemicals used to sterilise swimming pool water can irritate the skin and eyes of some babies. Your health visitor will be able to advise you on skin care products.

Where can I get further information about protection for babies?

  • Health Visitor or GP


Data Source:
Public Health Department May 2004

Childrens Swimming Pools

Swimming Pool Safety for Children
     Endless Pools

Odyssea Luxe Long Octagonal Swimming Pool

Luxury Pools

Children’s Swimming Pools UK                 
Children’s Swimming Pools USA


Children’s Swimming Pools USA



Drowning prevention tips for swimming pool owners


  • Never leave a child/children unattended in the water or pool area for any reason. Don’t be distracted by doorbells phone calls chores or conversations. If you must leave the pool area take the child/children with you making sure the pool gate latches securely when it closes.

  • Always keep your eyes on the child or children. Designate a child watcher whether you or someone else when you attend a party or have friends or family over.

  • Talk with baby-sitters about pool safety supervision and drowning prevention.

  • Post rules such as “No running ” “No pushing ” “No dunking” and “Never swim alone.” Enforce the rules for children of any age.

  • Don’t rely on swimming lessons or “floaties” to protect your children in the water.

  • Don’t assume that drowning or a drowning incident couldn’t happen to you or your family.

  • Don’t have a false sense of security just because you think your pool area and home are secure. Always watch your children whether in the house or outside.

  • Attend a CPR class. Make sure your baby-sitter knows CPR.

  • For the nearest cardiopulmonary resuscitation class contact your fire department Red Cross or hospital.

  • Encourage your neighbors to follow pool safety guidelines including keeping their back gates and doors locked and their pool gates securely closed and latched.


For a printable brochure on “Water Safety ” Click    

CPR for infants


 Childrens Parties-Soft Play 


Mother and Child Drown



Husband finds his wife and daughter dead in luxury pool

Mother couldn’t swim.

If ever there was a plea for adults to learn to swim this is it.

A BUSINESSMAN found his wife and toddler daughter drowned in a swimming pool at a company headquarters where he was finalising details of a new job. Vinh Nguyen had left wife Annie 33 and 21-month-old daughter Summer to look around the grounds as he met one of the development firm’s bosses for a chat.

The plan was for them to enjoy an informal swim in the heated indoor pool after Mr Nguyen 37 had completed details of his new job as aland manager. But to his horror he reached the pool to find his wife and daughter face down and unconscious in the water in their swimming gear in the -middle uf the pool. Mr Nguyen and Mr Tom Waldon a director of the firm rang for an ambulance.

They attempted resuscitation but paramedics pronounced mother and baby dead at the scene. Police and the Health and Safety Executive were yesterday investigating the tragedy at the headquarters of Land-Marque Sites Ltd in Studley Warwickshire on Saturday.

One theory was that the little girl fell in and the mother who like the child could not swim
jumped in to try to save her. Annie was 5ft lin tall and her family have been told by police that the pool was 5ft 6in deep at the centre.




Swimming Clubs

Swimming Clubs

Swimming websites with Masters Clubs.
To add your masters website please send an email

National & International websites

Aussi Masters

Danish Masters

French Federation (Masters)

Masters Swimming dot com
New Zealand Masters

Swimming Club Scottish Masters

US Masters

Welsh ASA (Masters)

Masters Clubs

Arfon Masters

Barnet Copthall Masters Swimming Club

Birmingham Masters

Bournemouth Dolphins Swimming Club

Bracknell and Workingham Swimming Club

Bristol Masters

Cally Masters

Cardiff Masters

Carlisle Masters

City of Leeds Masters

Cranleigh ASC – Swimming Club

Croyden Amphibians

Darlington Masters ASC – Swimming Club

Darwen Masters

Dorking Masters

Etwall Eagles Swimming Club

Gloucester Masters

Guernsey Masters Swimming Club

Harrow Masters Swimming Club

Hadrian Masters

Hartham Masters

Impington Swimming Club

Islay Masters

City of Leeds Masters Swimming Club

City of Newcastle Masters

Otter Swimming Club

Out to Swim Masters

Reading Swimming Club

Romford Town Swimming Club
Runnymede Masters

Salford Masters Swimming Club

Seagulls Swimming Club (Christchurch)

Silver City Blues Masters Swimming Club

Spencer Swim Team

Trafford Metro Swimming Club

Teddington Swimming Club

Wandsworth Swimming Club

Wincanton Masters

If you want to get swimming you’ll need to find a club – and this is the place to do it!

The Amateur Swimming Association
also has a comprehensive list of clubs throughout the country.

Swimming Clubs swim at all levels from beginners through to masters.


Childrens Swimming

Baby Swimming  Childrens Swimming Pools   Childrens Swimming Books    Childrens Swimming DVD

Teaching your child to swim

Written by Irene Bouette from Learn to Swim-Easy

Every parent wants their child to swim for various reasons the main one being that they want their child to be able to get out of trouble if they find themselves in the water. This is why swimming lessons are important to the parent.

Teaching children to swim is a challenging task unless the child is a ‘natural in the water’. Unfortunately for the parents there are not many of those about.

When giving swimming lessons to help the child to understand the techniques it needs a softly softly approach   together with play to give the child the understanding that the water will carry them. Because it is not always possible to explain a technique to them the art of play is important so they get the message and realise what you are trying to get them to achieve.

This can be done in various ways during the lessons playing with them in the water or using objects that they find fun so the water will not seem too daunting.

Usually the attention span is small. Half an hour is the maximum and the whole time should be in an upbeat manner never shouting or making the child feel that he/she is a failure.

I find that one to one in the water is valuable because the child will not feel embarrassed if he feels scared.Private Swimming Lessons

My private pool is available for your child and they will be the only child in the pool.  This way your child knows that his/her swimming lesson is important  to them to you and their instructor whilst at the same time the pool is small enough not to be intimidating.

My prices start from £15.  Please email
for more information.

Some learn to swim books you might like.

Free Games Online
Kids Games Online

Free Kids Games
Childrens Trucks Cars Diggers


Childrens Parties-Soft Play

Swimming Instructor one-to-one

To talk to us about Swimming Instruction please contact us


Swimming Instruction

Written 2004

I am 52 years old and was terrified of water until  into my forties.  I am a teacher by profession computing and business studies and I semi-retired a few years ago due to illness.  With time on my hands I finally decided to beat my fear of water and now thoroughly regret not having done it a long time ago.

swimming instructor uk<————-   This is me on holiday in Tenerife 2003.

Having taken lessons at my local pool I went on to do a specialised swimming course and then took my first teachers certificate after specialist swimming instruction.

I am married to Dave and have 2 step children Lisa and Lee and 3 grandchildren Immy Logan and Luke. 

I am in the process of teaching my granddaughter Immy to swim.  She is 2 and a proper little water baby having been in the water from an early age.

My teaching career was quite varied.  Having had a fairly traditional 20 year career in computing (programming systems analysis project management consultancy) I switched to teaching first lecturing at Cornwall College to adults and later giving instruction to Special Needs teenagers in Birmingham. From this came a strong belief that most people can achieve whatever they set out to achieve provided they have the proper support and encouragement swimming instruction is no different to anything else in this respect.

Here is Immy’s brother Luke better known as the Bubble.  He’s next for the pool!

swimming instruction from Swim With Us

Gay practicing hand-lead body dolphin

Swimming with Dolphins

You might also like to visit Learn-to-Swim-Easy and read Irene’s story.  Irene and I have much the same philosophy and outlook on swimming and you could also approach her for swimming instruction.  Swimming Instruction is also available from Steve at

Please note I do not endorse any other swimming instructor or organisation.  Please satisfy yourself as the suitability of any swimming instructor or swimming teacher that you choose to employ.







Swimming Instructors

Swimming Instructor – Gay Clarke

Swimming Lessons - Instructor Gay

Contact Gay

I have been a teacher for many years but started swimming very late in life fighting a phobia.  I eventually became a member of the Institute of Swimming Teachers and Coaches in 2001. For me this isn’t about money or a career   I am simply devoted to helping others who are fearful or struggling whether aged 5 or 85.

Please click above for more information about Gay.

If I am unable to help you I will do my best to help you find a swimming instructor or teacher in your area or some-one that offers residential swimming courses..

Swimming Teacher Derbyshire

Please note I do not endorse any other swimming instructor / teacher or swimming organisation.  Please satisfy yourself as the suitability of any swimming instructor or swimming teacher that you choose to employ.



Swimming Teachers Derbyshire


Total Immersion Swimming

Total Immersion Swimming Products


Swimming Made Easy: The Total Immersion Way for Any Swimmer to Achieve Fluency Ease & Speed in Any Stroke

Swimming Made Easy
Author: Total Immersion Inc;

Triathlon Swimming Made Easy: The Total Immersion Way for Anyone to Master Open-Water Swimming

Triathlon Swimming Made Easy
Author:  Total Immersion Swimming

Total Immersion Swimming Pool Primer for Freestyle and Backstroke: The TI Way

Total Immersion Swimming Pool Primer for Freestyle
Author: Terry Laughlin; Total Immersion

Total Immersion

Total Immersion Swimming
Author: Terry Laughlin; Total Immersion



Poem – Swimming Lessons

Swimming Lessons reprinted with kind permission of Deanna Young and the Arc Poetry Society Ottawa Canada

by Deanna Young

Our children are bottom-feeders feeling for a puck
in the deep end. Floridian in fuchsia suits they surface
fish-eyed in goggles gasp and snort blue water.
We sit on the sidelines barefoot tapping
chlorinated puddles. Pass comments back and forth
like cards. In my mind we are pressing
the soles of our feet together. I never get my wish.
The lesson is always over before I drag you to the deck
cup one hand under your chin pinch your nose
and breathe myself into your lungs. Our children appear
in garish towels unrelated though clearly
the same species: purple around the gills hair sleek
as sealskin. Whatever happens they will all know how
to swim. It is our job to see that nothing does happen.
In the parking lot after balmy showers blowfish
bobbing around us in parkas mouths steaming
you stretch and mention how you spent the week
knocking down a concrete wall. With your head?
I wonder out loud. And later what it takes to get through.

 ——————————————————————————– 3rd Prize Poem of the Year Contest 2003 Arc 51 Winter 2003

Building a Swimming Pool

A Few Things to Consider

A reader asks: We are just stumped! We’ve been looking into purchasing a pool for our small backyard. We’ve looked into fibreglass pools at this point and like the way they look. We seem to hear a different story from each person we ask regarding the purchase of a new pool. Most agree it’s the installer who is the key. Is that your consensus as well? How do we check on the installer other than relying on the references given to us by the pool company?

From Ray: First I want to disclose that I also am a manufacturer of fibreglass pools so I will try to be as objective as possible.

A fibreglass pool is a great choice for your back yard and will absolutely be the lowest maintenance pool. You can look on our site for lots of other background information on these pools. Since I come from a Composites Engineering background we are a little different than the other companies you might find.

You are correct that the installer is everything! Unfortunately fibreglass pools tend to lower the barrier of entry into the installation pool business side and so they tend to attract what I might affectionately refer to as Billy-bob and the back hoe gang. You get the point. On any builder or carpenter first check the BBB in your area. Also request a list of references AND a list of jobs currently under construction. This will give you the opportunity to see who you are dealing with directly.

A few more general things to consider:

  • Don t allow them to talk you into exposed coping: go with pavers stone or a cantilever deck
  • Consider Tile but don t allow it to be installed at the factory this will result in unlevelled tile at the waterline
  • Request that the pool be installed with no main drain. They are not necessary for circulation and can pose and entrapment hazard.
  • Try to find builders that are members of NSPI. Also ask if they are Certified Building Professionals (CBPs)
  • Bob the Builder Coloring Pages

Finally be careful of dark colours and pools. We have colored surfaces but do not have extremely dark colours. These fail after some time and fibreglass unlike liners or shotcrete are not designed to be resurfaced in the field.

Happy Swimming!!!

Ray Cronise The RTR Group Inc.

Heidi’s Channel Swim


A COALVILLE woman has made a splash raising money for a spinal injury charity.

Heidi Spiller 35 has now finished swimming the length of the English Channel a massive 1 408 lengths of Hermitage Leisure Centre’s swimming pool.

All of the money raised around £1 030 will now go to Aspire the Association for Spinal Injury Research Rehabilitation and Reintegration.

Heidi decided to dive-in and help the charity after overcoming her fear of the deep-end earlier this year.

She said: “Just before the summer holidays I swam 64 lengths which is a mile and I felt like I wanted something more to aspire to.

“When I went back to the leisure centre I saw the information for the Aspire Channel Swim and I thought I could actually exercise lose weight and do something good for somebody else.”

Every day four people in the UK are told they will never walk again.

Aspire works with these people to offer practical support and innovation from the time of their injury for the rest of their lives.

The charity works towards reintegration by creating an environment where the barriers that divide able-bodied and disabled people are removed.

Having completed the task Heidi said: “I feel fantastic I’m jumping for joy.

“People are asking me if I’m going to swim back now that I’ve swum to France but I’ll give it a rest for now!”

Backstroke Ban

 Swimming pool bans backstroke

A local council has banned it’s swimmers from doing backstroke in the pool as it fears they could injure themselves if they collide.

Swimmers at the Daisyfield pool in Blackburn  have been told they can do only forward strokes during busy periods when the pool is divided into lanes officials said.

“This is not about threats of legal action ” said Kate Hollern of Blackburn and Darwen Council responsible for culture leisure and sport.

“We are simply limiting the times when people can swim backstroke to prevent dangerous collisions.

“We would expect that people would be concerned for their own safety as well as that of others so we are being proactive in introducing these rules.”

She said the new rules complied with guidelines issued by the national Institute of Sport and Recreation Management and were “designed be inclusive to ensure that all people can use our facilities in a safe way”.

Your Infant’s First Swim

Taking the Plunge – Your Infant’s First Swim

Author: Julie Moore

Aaaah spring! With the last remainder of winter gradually melting into the ground its easy to let your mind begin to wander to the firsts of summer: that first evening BBQ with friends that first softball game being played in the park or that first whiff of freshly-mowed grass.

But before you start day-dreaming about your little one’s first toe dip in a wading pool for swim lessons consider the following: According to the American Academy of Paediatrics swim classes may not be a good idea for babies. Research shows that in children under 3 the risk of infections increases with time spent in swimming pools.

Your child may be more likely develop swimmer’s ear (due to water entering the ear) diarrhoea (due to germs in the water being swallowed) swimmer’s itch and other rashes. Along with these greater risks children under 3 who have taken lessons prove to be no stronger as swimmers in later years than their non-lesson counterparts.

Nor could an infant’s tendency to float in water (due to high fat content) be called upon in a life-threatening aquatic situation! So should you shirk all water activity with your infant and on a hot day ignore the enticing glistening waters of your local outdoor swimming pool?

The answer is no. As long as you are aware of the risks and do not expect your little one to develop self-reliant skills in the water it is perfectly acceptable to use the pool as a place where you can both cool off.

Do keep in mind some common sense advice however.

– Small children with colds and flus should refrain from water activity. If your child is prone to ear infections seek the doctor’s approval before he takes the plunge.

– Don’t submerge a baby’s face. Swallowing water can cause water intoxication a watering down of the blood that produces nausea weakness convulsions and even coma.

– A baby who does not maintain good head control should never be taken into a pool. His head may bob under by accident so wait until he is stronger.

– Lastly have fun with your baby but do not expect to “teach” him swimming skills. Allowing your child to feel comfortable and safe in the water is the first and most important step in his water safety training.




Learn to Swim Award



Zoe Bartlett is making a splash after earning a top award to mark her outstanding achievement in the water.

The seven year old from Rochester had a major fear of water but this has not stopped her learning to swim.

Now her courage and perseverance have paid off and she is riding on the crest of a wave after she was presented with a Southern Water Learn to Swim Achiever of the Year award.

The successful youngster was one of fifty winners from amongst the 35 000 children taking part across the region. The awards are given to children who have shown great courage in overcoming particular difficulties or for their exceptional performance.

Zoe’s swimming instructor at Strood Sports Centre Maureen Welsh said: “Zoe was extremely frightened of the water and was terrified of getting her face wet. She would not join in with the rest of the class but fortunately she never gave up. With great courage and perseverance she has now overcome her fears and can swim and go under water. She is a very worthy winner of the award.”

Zoe was treated to a visit by the Learn to Swim scheme mascot Ollie the Otter who dropped in to help her celebrate her success.

Nigel Smetham Southern Water’s Water Manager presented the youngster with a bag of goodies which included a sports watch at a special ceremony at Maidstone Leisure Centre.

Mr Smetham said: “This is a tremendous occasion for these children. They have proved themselves in many different ways and made enormous achievements on the Learn to Swim scheme.

To win these awards is extremely significant because the youngsters have been selected from 35 000 children who were taught on the scheme last year.

We are pleased to be able to contribute to the community by helping children learn a very valuable life skill as well as enabling them to reach their fullest potential.”

The scheme now in its tenth year teaches children from 4-12 year-olds and is sponsored by Southern Water. It is run in consultation with the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA).


Teach Baby to Swim?

Should You Teach Your Baby to Swim?

By Felicia Hodges

“Once the baby uses those lungs their ability to automatically hold their breaths while submerged begins to disappear. Because of that the American Academy of Paediatrics discourages teaching infants to swim by forcibly dunking them or submerging them in water.”

You’ve probably seen them on TV: classes of infants clad in swimsuit diapers or only in what Mother Nature gave them floating effortlessly through the water looking like little mermaids. You want your child to learn basic water safety but is tossing your baby into a pool the way to teach him?

“Newborn babies instinctively know not to breathe while their heads are submerged in water ” says Certified Nurse-Midwife Charlene Taylor who has assisted in more than 50 water births near her Boston Mass. home. “From what I’ve seen it seems as if they know how to swim instinctively. Many of them open their eyes and move their limbs and propel themselves forward in the tubs.”

According to Taylor until the baby’s body is touched by air all the oxygen they need is delivered via the placenta not from his or her lung power. “In water births their new environment is not much different than what they left behind ” she says.

The American Academy of Paediatrics recommends the following pool safety tips for families with young children:

  • Never leave children unattended near any body of water. In the time it takes you to run to the telephone or turn on the dryer your child could fall in and drown.
  • If you have a pool separate it from your home with a 5-foot high fence or gate. Use a gate that self-closes and self-latches. The latch should be higher than your child is able to reach.
  • Remove toys from the pool after you exit so children aren’t tempted to reach for them.
  • Learn Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

“But once the baby uses those lungs their ability to automatically hold their breaths while submerged begins to disappear ” says Dr. Brian Scopec an obstetrician who practices in upstate New York. “Because of that the American Academy of Paediatrics discourages teaching infants to swim by forcibly dunking them or submerging them in water.” Since there haven’t been many studies to either support or deny this theory Dr. Scopec says there is really no information on exactly what age the breath-holding instinct disappears all together.

When To Begin
Many parents with pools realize the benefits to teaching their children water safety at an early age. Karen Thomas a registered nurse and mother of two figured that sooner was better than later when it came to teaching her 2-month-old son Zachery how to swim.

“I signed us up for a mother/baby swim class thinking he’d be moving through the water unassisted or at least be able to roll onto his back in case he ever fell in ” she says. “I wanted him to be comfortable around the water because I grew up afraid of it and didn’t learn to swim until I was an adult.”

Instead of swimming though she and Zachery played in the water while she held him and sang songs like “Ring Around the Rosie.”

“They had us fall up instead of down so Zachery didn’t even get wet past his chest ” Thomas says.

“That is not too unusual ” says Patricia Ottie a certified lifeguard and swim instructor at a health club in Fishkill N.Y. “Most classes for children younger than 3 or 4 are designed to get children comfortable in the water not teach them to swim. It may even be dangerous to try to teach children younger than that to try to hold their breath.” Such skills as blowing bubbles and holding air in the lungs require dexterity and coordination that children younger than 3 simply do not have she adds.

What To Teach
The key to teaching water safety is adult supervision Dr. Scopec says. “Infants are so top-heavy that they should be supervised around even shallow water as they can drown in less than 2 inches of water.” he adds. He cautions parents to always be in the water with a child younger than 6 regardless of the child’s swimming ability. “If you can’t be in the water with them make sure another watchful adult or a qualified instructor is present.”

When in the water the important thing is to get the child to relax ” Ottie says. “It will be a lot easier for them once they begin actual swim lessons at age 3 or 4 if they are used to the water or at least don’t have a fear of it.” She suggests that if your child is afraid of the water you focus on activities that he or she is comfortable with and progress as the child feels ready.

“Never just throw your child in or sneak up and dunk him. It could make him have a fear of the water that he will never be able to conquer ” she says.

Parents Should Learn Too
Since drowning is the second leading cause of death for children between the ages of one and 18 the most important thing any parent can learn about water safety is CPR.

“Nobody ever wants to think about something terrible happening to their child but if your child does fall in your pool or wanders off at the beach CPR could save his life ” Dr. Scopec says.

“All parents should take a CPR class ” Ottie says. “It could save their child’s life or at least buy the child more time until professionals arrive or the child can be taken to a hospital.”

Teaching Swimming


Teaching swimming sounds like an easy task for those who know how to swim.

However if you are not careful you can scare people (especially children) away from water for a good amount of years.

How you teach swimming is very important. If swimming is not taught correctly pupils can develop a phobia. Teachers have to understand the importance of not rushing their students as they do not want fears to develop.

When familiarising students with water teachers should have a cheerful attitude and hold lots of understanding. Each student has different fears and needs and teachers should learn these early on in the lessons. Teachers should offer plenty of reassurance and encouragement and sense when their students are apprehensive about a particular activity. If students show fear when learning something new teachers have to be able to recognise this and take a step back later teaching the activity with a different approach.

Teachers have to try to develop self-confidence with their students. This can be achieved by offering plenty of praise. Students learn at a quicker pace if they enjoy what they are being taught. Therefore it is necessary not to make swimming a chore for the pupil. Teachers will need plenty of patience as swimming should be taught at a self-paced level.

On the pupils first day of swimming teachers should not have high expectations of what the pupil will learn. Just allowing the student to get his or her feet wet is sufficient especially if they enjoy themselves. When the student is brought into the water for the first time it is a good idea that the teacher walks around the entire pool holding the students hand. This will allow the student to see how deep the water is and some of their fears may fade. This will not happen if the student does not trust the teacher. Without trust there is fear and so little enjoyment; without enjoyment there will be little practice and without practice beginners will not develop skills or a positive attitude required to learn how to swim.

To attract children to water toys and games can play a very important part. Whether it be a small boat that the student can float on the water or a pair of goggles that will make the student feel more at home with the more experienced swimmers toys and games will help the student to enjoy the pool.

To teach children how to place their face in the water it is encouraged to allow the student to blow bubbles and the occasional splash of water on their face. Some students will not place their face in the water without a pair of goggles. If goggles give the student confidence then goggles should be worn.

If the student will not let go of the edge of the pool then the use of floatation aids can be useful. Games and lots of fun activities will also help to encourage the child to take a step away from the edge. If the student refuses to let go of the edge of the pool then let them stay there for a few lessons until they become more familiar with the water.

When teaching someone to swim it is important to remember that they should learn at their own pace. They will not develop confidence if they do not trust their teacher and they will not enjoy the water if they are forced to enter it before they are ready. Some students learn at a quicker pace than others but in the end they all usually learn to swim as well as each other.

Toddler Drowning

Toddler drowning in domestic swimming pools

C Blum and J Shield

Royal Children’s Hospital Flemington Road Parkville Victoria 3052 Australia

Aims To identify how toddlers who drowned gained access
to private swimming pools; to recommend preventive strategies
to reduce the incidence of toddler drowning and near drowning.

Method The study reviewed critically all completed investigations
into the drowning deaths of toddlers aged 1 4 years reported
to the state coroner (n=33) as a result of unintentional submersion
incidents in domestic swimming pools in Victoria Australia
from 1 January 1992 to 31 December 1997.

Results There was a predominance of 1 year olds and boys.
Forty six per cent of the children drowned in the three summer
months. The majority of pools were in-ground; most were located
on the child’s home property. Over half the pools lacked fencing
of any kind; of those that did have fences only three appear
to have met Australian standards.

Conclusions More than half of the children studied drowned
in unfenced pools and spas. In not one case did a child gain
unaided access to a pool fitted with a fully functional gate
and fence that met the Australian standard. Where children gained
access to fenced pools the majority did so via faulty or inadequate
gates or through gates that were propped open. This finding
highlights the need for pool owners to install Australian standard
approved fences and gates and to maintain existing fences and
gates regularly. Door locks and supervision were inadequate
primary prevention strategies.


Taking the Plunge

 One Man’s Journey Into Fear Otherwise Known as a Swimming Pool

Reprinted by kind permission of
Cyd Zeigler

What gay man doesn t have some kind of trepidation about sports?  Some are afraid of dropping the football when it s thrown to them and getting laughed at.  Some are timid about joining in on a pick-up basketball game lest someone roll their eyes when they miss a shot.  Others are afraid of jocks in general remembering their years of torment in high school.  Many have simply opted to skip sports all together.

Some people who know me refer to me as a jock.   I play football with passion bumping and running catching intercepting and throwing the ball whenever I get the chance.  I play Ultimate Frisbee with reckless abandon:  Send me deep and I ll come down with every disc you throw me.  Tennis basketball golf you name it I love it. 

Yet I m afraid of swimming.

I have been since I was 5 years old and drifted too far on my raft on Long Pond got off the raft and immediately sank to the bottom.  I avoid deep water and won t go near a wave.  I ve never dived head-first into a pool.  I ve never once opened my eyes underwater.

All because of my fear of it.  Fear of what? You may ask.  It s something I ve asked myself a million times.  Fear of drowning?  Maybe.  Fear of looking bad?  Probably.  Fear of suddenly flailing in the water having to be saved by a lifeguard?  Most definitely.

Sure I ll don a pair of colorful board shorts with the rest of them head to Laguna Beach and prance around throwing a football or a Frisbee with friends.  But when that football or Frisbee goes into the water I ll let it go standing there with envy as I watch the other guys having so much fun diving under waves splashing one another as they laugh together.

It was one of those days not long ago that I decided I d had enough.

About two months ago I was talking to Shamey Cramer a member of West Hollywood Aquatics about trying to swim.

Come on out to one of our open swims at the pool he said.

Uh no.  I m not going out to the pool for a swim with the West Hollywood Aquatics team to embarrass myself in front of a couple dozen guys who have been swimming all their lives.

As I was saying that to him I realized that I was doing what I accuse other people of doing with sports:  I was being afraid to fail and letting that stop me in my tracks.  So what if they laughed at me?  So what if they got impatient with my lack of ability?  

Hmmm . . . better take a couple lessons first.

My biggest question before my series of four private lessons was that age old dilemma that every swimmer goes through at some point in his life:  Speedos or trunks.  You ve got to remember:  I d never done laps in a pool before and hadn t taken a swim lesson since I was five.  All I knew of swimming semi-seriously in a pool was what I saw on television.  After a poll of a dozen friends the verdict was unanimous:  trunks.

So on the first Sunday in March I ventured to the pool where I was to begin my first road to hydrophobia freedom.

It was a disaster.

When we got into the water (on the shallow end of course) the instructor who speaks with a French accent so strong I can t understand about 40% of what he s saying says OK do the breast stroke.

Do the breast stroke?  I don t even know what that is.

He looked at me blinked a couple times and did a quick demonstration of what looked like a frog swimming.  The only problem here:  a frog can hold his breath a lot longer than I can.  Trying desperately to come up for air every three seconds I was splashing around sinking quickly then bobbing my head above the surface kicking frantically wondering what have I gotten myself into?

Next up was the backstroke.  Same result:  lots of splashing even more sinking.

It s a wonder he didn t burst out into laughter watching me attempt the freestyle:  taking two strokes stopping standing clearing my nose then taking two more strokes stopping coughing taking two more strokes . . . .

At the end of the first lesson he said we were going to try diving.

I don t do diving I said.  As I said it I looked up to see the 3- and 5-year-olds who would be taking a lesson after me.  They were standing there as though in shock at the edge of the pool watching me.  Good to know I could provide a little humor to someone s day.

With that we ended lesson #1 of my attempt to remain as afraid of water as humanly possible.

And someone once called me a jock?

Something funny happened on the way to the pool the following week.  A friend told me I should duck my head underwater and just open my eyes.  When I told him I didn t have goggles he said I didn t need them to open my eyes.  Then I whipped out the excuse I ve always used for not being able to open my eyes under water:

I wear contact lenses.

Take them off he said.

But but but . . . .   I tried coming up with a good response to no avail.  As I headed to the pool I started wondering why I was afraid of opening my eyes underwater.  Was I afraid that my eyes would suddenly pop out of my head?  That I would go blind?  That it would hurt?  Hell I play football with a herniated disc in my back THAT hurts. 

At the start of my second lesson I dunked my head underwater and for the first time in my life opened my eyes.  I looked left looked down then popped back up.

Hey that didn t hurt I said.

I know said the instructor.

I dunked my head under the surface again and opened my eyes.  

It still doesn t hurt I said.

The instructor took a deep breath.  Let s start again with breast stroke.

As I readied to push off from the wall of the pool he added something else:  this time just relax.  

I took a deep breath and pushed off from the wall.  This time I didn t sink.  This time I moved through the water.  This time I just breathed.

I only got halfway across the pool before water got in my nose I lose my concentration and came up for air.

That s good that s good the instructor said.  Keep going.

Back into the water I finished the lap.  My first lap.  Ever.

Over the next couple of weeks we moved on to the backstroke and freestyle.  While I still don t have the breathing down entirely for the latter I m now going on my own to do laps at the pool.  Slowly.  With trepidation.  But I m doing them.

At the end of the last session the instructor said it was time to try diving again.  

An openly gay collegiate athlete said in a first-person article on Outsports.com
earlier this year coming out often felt like jumping off a 30-foot cliff into a deep pool of water.   I thought that was a telling image except for the fact that I d probably crash into the water get the wind knocked out of me become disoriented and drown.

This time as I was about to offer my standard response I don t do diving I blurted out OK.

It was freezing out of the water in the middle of one of the windstorms that have swept across southern California in the last few months.  I was glad I wasn t wearing a Speedo.

The instructor showed me how to stand on the edge of the pool with my toes curled for extra push (of course I thought what in hell do you want to push for I wanted to get to the water as slowly as possible).  

By now in the lesson the three- and five- year olds who came after me had arrived and were watching me on the edge of the pool knees bent arms out forward head tucked standing there waiting for someone to push me in.  Seeing them made me laugh as I figured them seeing me made them laugh.  And over I tumbled.

It wasn t the prettiest entry but it was my first.  By the third dive I got so that it wasn t hurting my stomach when I crashed into the water.  And by the fifth dive it was actually feeling pretty good.

While I still may have to stop and take a few breaths at every turn and while I sometimes stop mid-lap because water got in my nose I can honestly say I m no longer afraid to swim.  I ve even started going to the pool with other people around and doing laps.  The pool snobs may roll their eyes but now I don t give a ****.  

Plus I ve managed to conquer another fear I ve always had one that goes back to beach parties with my fraternity and summers visiting every beach on Cape Cod south of Provincetown:


But that s another column all together.

Stretching For Streamlining

 By Marty Hull. Photos by Rod Searcy.

The fastest we ever go in the water is when we push off the wall. The moment our feet leave the wall we begin to slow down. If upper body streamlining is excellent then push-off speed is carried out farther from the wall and we reach the surface while we are still moving very fast. Excellent streamlining allows a faster lap from start to finish.

What is excellent streamlining? A body that is as straight narrow and smooth as possible. All three of these can he improved by stretching.

World record holder Jeff Rouse has a streamline position that is one of the best in the world. Notice how straight his body is.

(Picture 1).

Also notice how he narrows his shoulders by moving his arms and shoulder blades up alongside and behind his head

(Picture 2).

To take full advantage of what streamlining can offer you must he able to get to the most ideal streamlined position with extraordinary ease. The more resistance you encounter in your joints and muscles as you try to streamline the worse streamlining ability you will have especially late into a race.

Compare your flexibility to Rouse’s. When you extend your arms above your head are they in perfect alignment with your torso? Does your back arch when you extend your arms over your head? If your arms are not straight in line with your torso or if your back arches even the slightest amount this will ruin your streamlining.

Can you narrow your shoulders by moving your shoulder blades and arms up alongside and in behind your head? If you can’t then your streamlining will suffer significantly.

The secret to getting to this streamlined position with case is to increase the range of motion of your shoulder joints. Additional range of motion of the shoulder blade is what allows Rouse’s straight narrow smooth body shape.

To stretch the shoulder blade muscles it is necessary to use a pulling force on the hand or arm and to conduct this force safely along the arm through the shoulder joint to the shoulder blade.

This can be done by grabbing onto a post or pole with the hand and then stretching. But stretching the large sheet muscles around the perimeter of the shoulder blade takes very high forces. High forces cause all of the muscles of the arm and shoulder to tighten. It is very difficult if not impossible to relax the shoulder blade muscles to allow them to stretch if most of the other muscles of the arm and shoulder area are contracted to maintain the hand grip.

A hand sling device or a ROM (Range of Motion) strap is one effective way to stretch the shoulder blade muscles without contracting other arm and shoulder muscles.

This device retains the hand at the wrist while a stretching force is applied making it not necessary to grip something to stretch. The hand forearm. arm shoulder and shoulder blade can therefore stay relaxed.

Remember begin each stretch very gradually. Do not bounce or jerk when you stretch. Shoulder joints are fragile so stress to these joints should he kept to a minimum If the stretch hurts the shoulder discontinue it. If you feel the shoulder coming out of the joint stop and stretch and try to tighten the muscles that hold the shoulder joint together. Then try the stretch again.

Do this stretch three to five times per week using light force for the first few days. Then gradually increase the force.

If you wish to significantly increase your joint range of motion beyond where you are now hold each position for two to four minutes. Gradually increase the stretching force during the first one to one-and-a-half minutes and then hold at the force level. Go slowly so you don’t injure yourself. If you are loosening up before a workout do each one for 30 to 45 seconds.


Before you begin stretching place your arms in the stream-lined position remembering what it looks and feels like.

1. Hanging Stretch

(For lower muscles.) Adjust the rope length so that when you bend your knees you can hang from your hands. Be able to release all stretching force if you stand up. Stretch for about two to three minutes.

2. Standing Stretch

(For upper muscles.) Place one sling on each wrist. Stand on the rope. Adjust the rope length so your lower back is straight during these stretches. To stretch press your toes and straighten the upper chest. This will stretch the muscles at the top of the shoulder blade and the base of the neck. If you hunch the upper chest forward and press up you will stretch the muscles farther over onto the back (rhomboids). Do both positions for one-and-a-half to three minutes.

3. Chin Stretch

(For posterior muscles.) This stretch will move your shoulder around under your chin. Attach the rope just below shoulder height. Place a sling on one wrist. Lean away from the point of attachment of the rope. It may take up to 45 seconds before you begin to feel the shoulder blade muscles on your hack stretch so be patient. Keep shoulder joint muscles tight enough to prevent shoulder dislocation. Stretch left and right side for one-and-a-half to two minutes each.

4. Forward Stretch

This stretches the muscles that move the shoulder blade forward (pecs and serratus anterior). Lean forward and rotate the arm to the position that feels most stable. Press forward. Arch the chest forward to increase stress on the pectoral muscles. Stretch left and right side for one-and-a-half to three minutes each.

5. Chicken Wing Stretch

This increases rotation of the shoulder blade to allow the arms to come closer together behind the head. Stretch each side for one-and-a-half to two minutes so stress goes to the muscles of the shoulder blade and not to the shoulder joint.

6. Streamlining Stretch

Place your hands high above your head and lean against the wall. See if you can comfortably move your arms well past the ideal streamlined position. Stretch for one-and-a-half to two minutes.

Now test time! Again place your arms in the streamlined position above your head and compare this with what you looked and felt like before you began stretching. You should notice some difference after one session.


Marty Hull is a top Masters swimmer and a consultant to the Stanford University Swim Team.

Swimming Pool Safety for Children

A swimming pool in the yard can be very dangerous for children. If possible do not put a swimming pool in your yard until your children are older than 5 years. If you already have a pool protect your children from drowning by doing the following:

  • Never leave your children alone in or near the pool even for a moment.

  • You must put up a fence to separate your house from the pool. Most young children who drown in pools wander out of the house and fall into the pool. Install a fence at least 4 feet high around all 4 sides of the pool. This fence will completely separate the pool from the house and play area of the yard. Use gates that self-close and self-latch with latches higher than your children’s reach.

  • A power safety cover that meets the standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) adds to the protection of your children but should not be used in place of the fence between your house and the pool. Even fencing around your pool and using a power safety cover will not prevent all drownings.

  • Keep rescue equipment (such as a shepherd’s hook or life preserver) and a telephone by the pool.

  • Do not let your child use air-filled “swimming aids” because they are not a substitute for approved life vests and can be dangerous.

  • Anyone watching young children around a pool should learn CPR and be able to rescue a child if needed. Stay within an arm’s length of your child.

  • Remove all toys from the pool after use so children aren’t tempted to reach for them.

  • After the children are done swimming secure the pool so they can’t get back into it.

Remember teaching your child how to swim DOES NOT mean your child is safe in water.


Bilateral Breathing

Should you Breathe to Both Sides?

Source: Kevin Koskella

One of the most common wonders of the swimming world is should you use alternate-side or bilateral breathing?

Throughout my swimming career I had always breathed to my right side only until a year ago. Why? Because breathing on my left side felt awkward and uncomfortable! This is the reason why most swimmers will breathe only on one side.

Last year I had an experience that made me change my ways. I was getting a massage and my therapist noted that my left lat muscles (back) were much more developed than my right. Putting two and two together I realized that years of right side only breathing in the pool had caused me to use these muscles on my left side far more than my right as I was balancing with my left arm while sucking air into my lungs!

The answer to the question is yes you should use bilateral breathing if you re not already. The main reason is that it will balance out your stroke (as well as create symmetry in your back musculature!). The problem with breathing to one side only is that it can make your stroke lopsided. In a one-hour workout you may roll to your breathing side 1 000 times. A lopsided stroke can become permanent in a hurry after practicing this for a while!

The benefits to breathing nearly as often to one side as the other are that using your “weak” side more frequently will help your stroke overall and you ll lose your “blind” side. If you are an open water swimmer the later benefit will help you check for landmarks avoid chop or keep another rough swimmer from splashing water in your face (or punching you in the nose!) as you breathe.

The way to obtain these benefits is to practice bilateral breathing as much as possible. Often in my evening group I will have swimmers breathe every 3 or 5 strokes as part of a drill or warm down. But by no means should this practice be limited to drill sets or long warm downs! It will feel awkward at first sure. But the awkwardness is easier to deal with than you may think. Regular practice of rolling to both sides to breathe will remedy this before you know it.

Some tips on how to practice bilateral breathing while keeping it interesting:

1. Breathe to your right side on one length and to your left on the next. That way you get the oxygen you need but still develop a symmetrical stroke.
2. Breathe to your weaker side on warm-ups warm-downs and slow swimming sets.
3. Experiment with 3 left 3 right or 4 left 4 right until you find a comfortable pattern

Keep the goal in mind each week of breathing about the same amount to one side as the other over the course of any week of swimming. Most of all enjoy your swim and don t get too hung up on being exact!

Swimming & Epilepsy

Courtesy of Epilepsy Action

Three little ducksSwimming is an excellent way to keep in shape yet many people are frightened in case they or their children have a seizure in the water. This leaflet aims to show that with a few sensible precautions people with epilepsy can enjoy all the benefits of swimming quite safely.

Swimming is often a very sociable activity. Children for example may feel left out if they are barred from swimming just because of epilepsy while all their classmates are playing or learning to swim in the pool. Such segregation increases the feeling of being ‘different’ or an outsider. Other children may then react unfavourably and the child with epilepsy can feel rejected.

Everyone should learn how to swim especially children with epilepsy – it helps with self-confidence with social skills and relationships and most importantly it’s fun!

Often those of us with epilepsy may want to swim but are prevented by family friends teachers or swimming pool staff. Other people sometimes imagine the worst and decide on our behalf that it is not worth the risk. If so this page should help calm those fears but for extra reassurance they can telephone the
Freephone Helpline on 0808 800 5050.

Research shows that few seizures actually occur in the water. This may be because when a person is enjoyably occupied they are less likely to have a seizure. All sports and pastimes including swimming can help to improve seizure patterns in some people. However it is impossible to be certain that a seizure will not occur so it is essential to follow a few simple safety measures.

Safety first

  • Never swim alone and do not take risks.

  • Make sure there is a qualified life-saver present (perhaps a friend or relative could learn). If there isn’t one swim no deeper than your supervisor’s or companion’s shoulder height.

  • Always tell a person in charge if you have epilepsy.

  • Check that the person in charge or your companion knows what to do if you have a seizure.

  • If you can practice with your companion what to do in the event of a seizure – this will boost your confidence and theirs.

  • Swimming in the sea lakes or very cold water is dangerous – be sensible.

  • If unwell don’t swim.

  • Avoid overcrowded situations.

Good buddies do it together

Those of us with epilepsy can find it embarrassing to be ‘supervised’ especially if we are the only person being watched over. Swimming in pairs is an American idea known as the Buddy System and it is becoming popular in the UK. It is especially useful in swimming classes because it means everyone has a partner taking attention away from the person with epilepsy. It also enables life-saving to be taught in pairs and teaches us all to be aware of other people’s safety.

Once or twice during the session someone blows a whistle and you must be able to touch your partner immediately. If you can’t it means you are too far away from each other and you have ‘lost’. An agreed forfeit may then be paid. If this partnering method cannot be used it may be better for the ‘supervisor’ to stay out of the water in case prompt action is needed. Whichever method is used supervision needs to be discreet.

How to deal with a seizure in the water

Not all people with epilepsy have convulsions. Some may simply go blank for a few seconds (absences) others may make repeated aimless movements for a minute or two (partial seizures). These last two seizure types do not usually require emergency action but care needs to be taken that the person does not sink. When they recover gently ask if they would like to get out of the water. They may not realise what happened or they may feel groggy.

The basic guidelines are:

  1. Do not be afraid the seizure will probably not last long. 

  2. From behind hold the swimmer’s head above water. 

  3. If possible tow the person to shallow water.

  4. Do not restrict movements or place anything in the mouth. 

  5. Once abnormal movement has stopped move the swimmer to dry land. 

  6. If water has been swallowed take the usual resuscitation measures. 

  7. Place the swimmer on his or her side to recover. 

  8. Only call an ambulance if the person goes from one seizure to another without regaining consciousness or if the seizure lasts longer than normal or if there is injury or a lot of water has been swallowed. 

  9. If possible recovery should be in a private place.

  10. Stay with the person until they feel better.

Should I ask my doctor before going swimming?

It is a good idea to speak to your doctor first particularly if the epilepsy is largely uncontrolled. Both of you need to take into account the type severity and frequency of the seizures known triggers such as noise stress excitement etc. whether there is any warning before a seizure and what supervision is available.

However if you really want to swim find a safe and suitable way to do it using all the recommendations listed here. Those of us with epilepsy should not allow it to ruin our quality of life and being a non-swimmer is far more dangerous than learning to swim in a safe and supervised environment.

Further advice on epilepsy and swimming is available from Epilepsy Action by using the Email Helpline or if you live in the UK by phoning the Freephone Helpline on 0808 800 5050.

Winded and Weary?

 Adult Swim

Winded and Weary? It’s Time To Update Your Stroke

By Ruth Kassinger

When the whistle blows on Memorial Day for the first adult swim of the season I’m in the pool. All the pleasures of a summer swim — the near-weightless slip through cool water the wavering patterns of sunlight on the pool floor the calming silence below the surface — return.

For a few lengths. Then I recall an unfortunate defect in this pool: There seems to be a peculiar shortage of oxygen in its vicinity. I keep swimming but the lovely silence under water is now punctuated by my gasps above it. Then I remember that this pool is filled with particularly dense water (could it be all that lead in the Washington water supply?) which surely explains why my arm muscles ache and my kick is tapering to nothing. Then the final problem emerges: The distance from one end to other gets greater with every length. I decide I’d better get out before I find myself trying to swim to infinity.

The story would be the same this year except inspired by yet another article about how good swimming is for you this winter I decided to look a little further into my swimming problems.

What I find is that I’m not alone in having trouble swimming easily. A flurry of books and videotapes aimed at adults who want to learn to swim better has recently been released. This spring for the first time in 12 years the American Red Cross revised what has been the bible of swimming instruction its swimming and diving manual along with its instructional video.

The fault I now learn lies not in the pool but in the fact that many of us learned to swim too long ago. Swimming techniques and instruction methods have changed dramatically in recent years. So if you would rather be swimming in the pool than lounging by the side of it take heart. Updating your technique can make swimming not only easier but I can attest downright pleasant.

The Water’s Fine

There is no better fitness activity than swimming said Steve Jordan educator for the National Academy of Sports Medicine. It is one of the best cardiovascular activities and it conditions most of the large muscle groups. Best of all it puts almost no pressure on the joints making it a sport for life. Because the water supports most of a swimmer’s weight it’s a particularly good activity for overweight people. And since water is dense moving through it takes a lot of energy which means burning calories at a high rate.

It’s also difficult to injure yourself swimming. Katie Moore president-elect of the American Physical Therapy Association said muscle strains resulting from swimming are almost unheard of. The resistance of water — in essence its weight — is a function of how hard you push or pull it. You simply can’t move more water faster than you have strength for.

Shoulder rotator cuff injuries occur occasionally noted Jeff Berg an orthopedist in Reston and team physician for the Washington Redskins. But these are the result of poor technique. Berg frequently sends players with knee injuries to the pool to maintain conditioning while resting the damaged joint.

Of course these benefits accrue only if you swim regularly. According to the American College of Sports Medicine to get the aerobic benefits you need to swim at least three times a week for about 30 minutes at a time.

So how do you get good enough to swim comfortably for that long instead of clinging to the wall sucking air after five minutes?

If you learned to swim before 1980 you were probably taught to swim by an instructor certified in the 1938 American Red Cross method. The group’s manual for swimming instruction which was not significantly revised for four decades taught beginning freestyle swimmers to “thrash” their legs up and down and to move their arms in a “windmill type of two-beat stroke.”

More-advanced swimmers were instructed to kick like “pedaling a bicycle of very low gear” and to “fling the forearm beyond the head” to prepare to take a stroke.

Body roll was anathema. The pulling hand was cupped and pulled under water to a vertical position. Swimmers were advised to keep the waterline just above the eyebrows.

Mechanical Improvements

Instruction began to change in the 1960s starting at the competitive level when James “Doc” Counsilman introduced the study of biomechanics to swimming.

Counsilman who coached Indiana University swimmers and the U.S. Olympic men’s teams in 1964 and 1976 pioneered the use of an underwater motion camera strain gauge devices to measure a swimmer’s propulsion and other tools to collect efficiency and effectiveness data.

Counsilman who died this year discovered that the freestyle kick is not propulsive. Use it gently and with as few as two beats per arm cycle he advised simply to keep the hips from sinking and for balance. Body roll from the hips through the shoulders and head makes breathing easier and is essential for avoiding rotator cuff strains.

After the arm finishes a stroke it should be lifted out of the water with the elbow held high and close to the body. (No forearm-flinging please!) The pulling hand is most effective in a relaxed position with fingers close to each other but not glued together. The pulling arm should be bent and pass under not straight alongside the body.

Counsilman’s 1968 book “The Science of Swimming ” brought these and other concepts to a more general audience. In 1979 the Red Cross began to modify the techniques it taught to instructors.

Over the next 10 years successive versions of the Red Cross manual gradually incorporated the changes swimming coaches were using. The current manual videos and DVDs — have been prepared with the help of USA Swimming the governing body for competitive swimming in the United States. The YMCA teaches similar techniques; its materials have been vetted by the American Swimming Coaches Association. Many of today’s instructors have been trained through Red Cross or the YMCA.

The changes such as slowing your kick or recovering your arm elbow-up and close to your body may seem small but incorporating them into your swimming can make an enormous difference. That’s because swimming like golf and skiing is a technique sport.

On land people expend about the same amount of energy whether they run or walk a mile. But exercise in the water is different said Joel Stager professor of kinesiology at Indiana University and director of the university’s Counsilman Center for the Science of Swimming. Because water is a thousand times denser than air “a swimmer with poor technique expends three or four times the energy to cover the same distance. That means that a slight woman with a well-honed stroke that barely ripples the surface can outdistance the muscular fellow kicking and beating the water to a froth.”

Technique also trumps a lack of natural buoyancy in case you’re a “sinker” who thinks you’re fated by your build to struggle in the water. While it is true that some people naturally float more easily than others (it’s one benefit of a little extra body fat) many lean-bodied competitive swimmers do not float well.

The bottom line is that if you learned to swim before 1980 and haven’t had a lesson since then it’s a good bet your technique needs a tuneup — or a revamping.

Different Strokes

There are three major approaches to improving your swimming technique: lessons (either group or private) stroke clinics and Masters swimming.

If you are uneasy in the water and struggle to swim more than a length or two group or private lessons may be the best approach. Donnie Shaw aquatics director at the National Capital YMCA in Washington reports that for many adults “overcoming fear and learning to relax in the water is a real challenge. That can take some time.”

One common swimming error that is easy to fix and makes a world of difference he adds is remembering to always exhale completely while your face is under water.

If you can swim several consecutive laps without a sense of panic a stroke clinic can fine-tune your technique be a good solution. Typically such clinics meet once a week for six to eight weeks.

If you can swim about 30 laps even if slowly and with rests and want to refine your skills a Masters swimming club may be for you. United States Masters Swimming is a national organization whose 43 000 members are associated with more than 450 clubs. Lap swimmers with a wide range of abilities join in order to swim with others at a set time and place. Some have highly structured workouts and active poolside coaching; others are informal and camaraderie is the most important draw.

I stumbled across a fourth option a choice for do-it-yourselfers offered by a company called Total Immersion.

Total Immersion founded in 1989 by Terry Laughlin who has been coaching swimming professionally for 32 years is aimed primarily at adults who already swim but want to do it more easily. Rather than fine-tuning a swimmer’s strokes the method develops an entirely new swimming technique.

The program is taught in two ways: through two-day clinics several of which are held most weekends across the country or via a video/DVD. Laughlin reports that in 2003 about 2 000 people took Total Immersion clinics and more than 30 000 bought instructional books videos and DVDs. I opted for the DVD and joined an indoor swim club.

According to Laughlin the first step adult swimmers need to take is to forget everything they have learned about swimming. Swimming “is not about using your hands to push water toward your feet ” but about slipping through the water with as little drag as possible.

To achieve streamlining Total Immersion swimmers keep the head just below the surface of the water which lifts the hips and legs and ensures that the swimmer stays parallel to the surface offering as narrow a profile as possible to water in front of the swimmer.

Swimmers also reduce drag by performing most of the stroke cycle on their sides switching quickly from one side to the other as the recovering hand enters the water. The switch Laughlin asserts also produces torque for additional propulsion.

In addition Total Immersion-trained swimmers keep one arm extended in front of them all the time to lengthen the body’s profile which like a sleek sailboat hull encounters less water resistance. That constant arm extension leads to what is called front-quadrant swimming in which the extended arm doesn’t start to pull until the recovering arm is in front of the head and about to enter the water.

Laughlin’s method relies on a series of 14 drills. Each one adds a small incremental skill until all the elements of the stroke are in place. The emphasis is on balance fluidity and careful perfection of motions rather than on building strength by powering through laps.

The method worked beautifully for me: I can now swim freestyle for 30 minutes and with pleasure. The drills were easy to do and I enjoyed mastering the progression. The sequential nature of the method motivated me to get back to the pool day after day. But it took me several weeks to get a complete stroke again. Total Immersion is not a quick tune-up.

Although I’ve become a fan of the method I have no doubt I would have improved with a stroke clinic or by getting coaching at a Masters club.

Many of Total Immersion’s techniques — as opposed to its instruction method — are similar to those of the YMCA and the Red Cross. Some of the differences are merely matters of degree: how far to roll the body or how deep to hold the head.

The feedback of an instructor has great value. In fact at the end of the tutorial I found a Total Immersion-trained instructor to give me some one-on-one coaching.

One thing that all the experts agree on is that you need patience to make a new technique your own. Steve Jordan explained: “To create a new habit on a clean slate takes a few repetitions. To replace an old habit with a new one sometimes takes many hundreds of repetitions.”

But if you’d like to do more than sit by the side of the pool this summer it’s worth it.

Ruth Kassinger is a Washington area freelance writer.


Here’s what some clients have to say.

Hi Gay

It was also a real pleasure to meet you and
special thanks for making me believe I CAN DO IT!


Roger to TI:

A big thank you for suggesting I get in touch with Gay Clarke.  I have just returned from a weekend staying with Gay and her husband being coached by her.  I was very impressed with her expertise. She is extremely good at analysing and explaining thoroughly without the unnecessary padding and repetition you often get with coaches who are not confident in what they do.  The weekend far exceeded my expectations.  I have come away with a marked improvement in both my balance in the water and my flutter kicking and an understanding of how I need to practice to progress through the first set of drills.  Gay as an ME sufferer was also able to give me much useful advice in coping with the condition while learning to swim and indeed for life in general.

 Gay Thanks you so much for everything you’ve done for me.  I can’t believe all those wasted years and lessons at my local pool.  I really was beginning to think I could never learn to swim.  In one short week you changed all that.  So now I can be in the pool with everyone else and hold my own.  I just wish I had found you earlier .

Before I set out that first day I had never been so frightened in my life .  I very nearly didn’t make it to the pool.  Looking back that night I was amazed how quickly things had changed for me.  If anyone had told me I would be kicking and floating on my back without a care in the world I’d have thought they were mad.  It was one of the best weekends I’ve ever had.  I am practising all the things you’ve taught me and I will definitely be coming back.  Gay and Irene you can’t know what this means to me.

Dear Gay Thank you so much for your time on Saturday. I truly enjoyed it.  Now I wish I could be in a pool all day.  A total novelty. I have to say that I did so much better than I expected so lots of credit to you on such good instructions!  Roxana: